Gif save tonight eagle eye cherry
Gif save tonight eagle eye cherry

gif save tonight eagle eye cherry gif save tonight eagle eye cherry

“A manifesto is a communication made to the whole world, whose only pretension is to the discovery of an instant cure for political, astronomical, artistic, parliamentary, agronomical and literary syphilis. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. The statements were chosen in an order to hopefully make the concept clearer. What follows is a sequence of statements that sets the stage for the project. This is our effort to shift the momentum in our society in a direction toward the great + good. Knowledge + experience + expertise are attained along these lines, combined + accelerated through a creative geometry - a city in history, and the result moves forward. The vector along the design+ grounds moves toward cities of local| regional| national| global| influence. design, these l|nes are sites of conscience + knowledge + opportunity. The line that is 4th Street NE+SE, the line that is The Lawn at the University of Virginia, the line that is Route 29N – now the design+ grounds in light of the addition of the creativity| discovery| democracy| nexuses, the line in the Jefferson|structure design, the line in the New|Constitutional. Our found objects, books + albums, appear in the syllabus and are currently being studied and interpreted for use along lines. In light of the tragic events in Charlottesville Aug 11-12, we took an aural walk down 4th Street NE+SE to see if there were any found objects we could study | use to process what had happened and possibly proffer opportunities to push the momentum in our society in a different direction. We will walk on our own feet we will work with our own hands we will speak our own minds.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson “We have listened too long to the courtly muses of Europe. III | using the new framework as a tool for analysis. II | using the new framework as a blueprint for our discoveries + projects + ambitions. Writings | Oration of Lord Timothy Dexter Writings | Oration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Lucius Tiberius Rolando| nü kritikal theøry Kazimierz Dąbrowski| theory of positive disintegration Parker, Van Alstyne + Choudary| platforms Van den Akker, Gibbons, Vermeulen + Freinacht| metamodernism I | a new aesthetic| literary| cultural| commercial| framework, sculpted from the synthesis of the following works| We will write a six-part Jefferson|structure book ( due date| University of Virginia| A Great + Good University| The 2030 Plan) | ( conspectus| tba) | The DNA of the composition can be found in experimental| electronic| academic| modern classical + popular music. The Virginian | Leaves of grass album is an experimental interpretation of the literature. The Virginian quilts with thematic + ethical content in Whitman’s Leaves of grass and we will use this for guidance as we compose. These tracks map to thematic + ethical content in the novel The Virginian. That is, as long as we use the platforms to do great + good work, the data will go on + on.the sonic material will go on + on. The data generated from the use of each branded platform will be sculpted into sonic material and reappear configured anew as brand-eponymous tracks on an experimental album that really has no end as long as we choose to be the music makers.

Gif save tonight eagle eye cherry